Perpahel's Commissions

Commission status: closed

Will I? Won't I?

My portfolio is predominantly non-coloured pieces. I feel more comfortable, more often than not working with lines rather than colour. Below I list what I will draw and what I won't draw!

Will Draw!

Won't Draw!

Refund policy

Once you are added to my commissions list I will get in contact with you within 3-5 days of me receiving your payment. This is so I can request further information if I need it, inform you what to expect of this process, and share thumbnails of my initial ideas for your commission. Over this period of time you are able to request a full refund should you change your mind, however, once you have picked your thumbnail I will start your piece and I will no longer be accepting refund requests.

The only instance in which I will accept refunds after the feedback window has closed is if I have had a flare-up and become unable to complete your commission. This will be heavily circumstantial, as sometimes I may be able to finish it but with an extended time-frame, however sometimes I may have to close my commissions entirely for an indefinite period of time. Should this happen we will discuss a refund relative to the work I have completed, and you can request the work I have completed if there is any. You can take this work to another artist if you so wish, but it will be watermarked as to prevent my work from being stolen.

As for edit requests, additional feedback or improvements, I will send you one update of your cleaned-up sketch for you to review. Please list any feedback or improvements you have when getting back in contact and understand that any additions like extra characters to the piece will require additional payment. Once I start the lineart and the colouring process I will no longer accept edit requests.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will I have to wait to receive my final piece? I hope to have the process take about 6-8 weeks, however I am disabled and may have flare-ups, I will communicate with you should I need extra time to complete your commission.